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June 06, 2011
Oscar-Nominated Green Documentary Plays Fast and Loose With the Facts
Just a quick break. You can get back to your Weiner shortly.
Irish filmmaker Phelim McAleer has a knack for catching the enviroweenies lying. Or maybe it's just that they do so damned much of it.
Of course their immediate reaction is to try to hide the decline in their credibility by shutting him up:
Josh Fox has responded to valid journalistic questions about his documentary Gasland by stifling the freedom of the press.
I travelled to Chicago for a Q&A where Fox admitted hiding facts from his documentary that contradicted his scaremongering about drilling for natural gas.
And Fox's response when we posted the video on YouTube - he got his lawyers to have YouTube pull it down.
As they say, read the whole thing.
Video below the fold (while it lasts).
Gasland director hides full facts from Not Evil Just Wrong on Vimeo.
Also, I'd be remiss in not recommending the two excellent documentaries, Mine Your Own Business and Not Evil Just Wrong, produced by McAleer and his wife Ann McElhinney if you haven't already seen them.