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June 01, 2011
Where Is The Ticker-Tape Parade For Iraq Veterans?
I sense this is mostly political. I can conjure up a legitimate reason in my mind: Maybe, as far as timing, we're waiting for all of the troops to come home.
But I don't really buy that.
There is no rule that says veterans of a hard-fought war only get one ticker-tape parade.
Is there? Did I miss a rule they only get one tour through the Canyon of Heroes?
Jeeze Louise, sometimes defeated sports teams get more than that.
They fought hard. They won. Despite horrific odds, they won.
In fact, liberals should be the first ones to call for this: Their belief is that Bush sent them on an unwinnable war.
And yet they won.
So shouldn't they get extra credit for that?
Even if you hate Bush, if you really do "love the troops," as everyone claims and some really feel, then let's have a proper expression of gratitude.
Via Hot Air's headlines.