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May 31, 2011
Little Fockers Review
Ben Stiller is now some kind of top administrator with a hospital, and has two kids with wife Teri Polo. Difficulty for his marriage presents himself when a cute pharmaceutical rep, played by Jessica Alba, comes in to flatter and flirt.
Meanwhile, her husband's dad, the imposing ex-spook Robert DeNiro, tells him the family has always needed a patriarch, and asks Bill Stiller to be "the God Focker."
Owen Wilson then shows up, making Ben Stiller jealous with his perfection and his strong ongoing friendship with his wife.
And that's as far as I got. Turned it off.
I would say the thing was written like a sitcom but generally sitcoms are better and more nuanced. And sitcoms usually feature pros trying to do a good job, not slumming stars like DeNiro looking sort of pleased with themselves as they overact and mug for the camera, strongly signaling Just a check, baby. Just a check.
I felt like I was watching a High School Seniors' graduation talent pageant, but with old people.
Oh, here's something. Because wife Teri Polo is sick, DeNiro goes with Stiller to check out an exclusive pre-school.
Give yourselves a cookie if you can figure out what madcap comic misunderstanding occurs next when the two men are interviewed about their kids.
Yup. God that was funny, when I was five, and it was called Three's Company.
I hate the fact that this this series started out very strong in the unexpected smash Meet the Parents. And I am perplexed that with this expensive a cast, and this much professional talent, this is the dreck they call "finished product."
I don't know how many stars to give it. I'll give it a half star for each half hour I made it through.
One third of a star then.