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CNN's Dana Bash, other Reporters Destroys Weiner
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May 31, 2011
Isn't Weiner on the Commerce and Energy Committees?
Doesn't he get lobbied by FaceBook and Twitter?
If he wanted an investigation of this nefarious hacker, couldn't he just pick up the phone and call people eager to please him and tell them to find this horrible Teabagging hacker?
Wouldn't that investigation occur post-haste and on the snap?
Look, I actually apologize to everyone I jumped ugly on.
I am burned out.
This is an emotional thing at this point.
No, this is not the biggest story in the world. It is not as big as 200 other stories. I get that.
But it is a story.
I made it my crusade because the bigger stuff is beyond me. I understand that. I have tunnel-vision on my own tiny piece of the news here.
I get that.
But it is a story.
Biggest story? No. But pixels are cheap; they won't run out anytime soon.
And I don't understand, at this point, why it is is being treated as almost beneath mention.
I think I need a break.
Open blog, for a while. Will be back later.
Oh: If he was compromised on this, should he sit on committees overseeing companies that now kinda-sorta have leverage over him?
Like -- if my suspicions are correct, and there is no hacker prankster coked-up staffer having an epileptic fit and randomly dialing Weiner's passwords with his tongue -- wouldn't Twitter know that and have evidence of that?
Wouldn't that put Twitter in a rather good position in future meetings with Rep. Weiner?
Just asking.