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If the Conservative Media Wants To Bury This Too, Congratulations, You're About To Win »
May 31, 2011
The Daily Caller: Weiner's Spokesman Has Been Asked Four Times If The Picture Is Of His Junk And Has Declined To Answer
Update: Sure Would Be Nice If We Had Some Kind of Counter-Liberal Conservative Press Which Could Report Things Like This
Oh, and of course, no police involvement in an alleged hack on a Congressman.
Several questions still remain unanswered, however. For instance, TheDC has asked Arnold at least four times if the man in the photo was Weiner. Arnold has not answered.
TheDC also asked Arnold if there will be an official investigation into who might have hacked Weiner’s accounts and how it was done. Arnold has not answered that question either.
I suspect the picture is actually of Andrew Breitbart's junk, and I feel safe in making that claim, because he doesn't read the actual posts.
Please don't repeat my allegation in the comments.
Did You Mean to d Me or to @ Me? I've had it confirmed, why I didn't just check myself is a mystery for the ages, that Twitter has a short-code for private and public messages.
To send a private message, you hit "d," then space, and then the handle.
To send a public one, you hit "@" and the handle.
I had heard that but didn't know that for sure. I don't know this tech stuff all you kids are so into.
I send my dic pics via the God Blessed United States Postal Service, in a discrete brown parcel marked "Grandma's Birthday Surprise."
So this is probably just a case of him excitedly hitting the more-often-used "@" when he intended to add the less-used, but sexier, "d." And thus the tweet went public rather private.
By the way, I was going to do a post on this,and maybe that's too tough, but for the love of God everyone in the liberal media knows he's guilty -- that's the word I get -- so Conservative Establishment Media, it is "safe" for you to start doing your jobs.
I don't want to call out my confreres but this is getting ri-goddamn-diculous. The entire Conservative Establishment Media has a tighter embargo on this than CNN, for crying out loud, apart from Jonah Goldberg's two mentions and Carl Cameron finally "breaking" the story on Fox an hour ago.
Can we man up here, Ladies?
Or do we actively wish to be scooped by N frigging P frigging R?
Iowahawk: Justice 4 Weiner.
Oh, and over the weekend, Jonah Goldberg tweeted a Carsenio-style Answer Then Question.
Answer: Anthony Weiner.
Question: Who had a different Memorial Day weekend than he expected?
Hot Air Tepidly Breaks Embargo: Linking Weiner's "I don't want to talk about this outrageous crime that has been perpetrated against me by Teabagger hackers even though I could get ten viral YouTube videos out of it which is all I'm about" interview.
And then...
I’m still not convinced much of any particular explanation, but Weiner’s response raises a lot more questions than it doesn’t answer.
I don't get it.
Thanks very much for the link and recommendation that people come here -- honestly -- but I do not understand this whole attitude.
No one believes him. Not even the liberal media.
It is safe to say so.
I understand caution. I do. I understand fairness.
But facts are facts, and the facts all pile up on the same side of the street.
It is not "innuendo" to note this. It is not "innuendo" to note the facts here point to a specific conclusion.
The facts are the facts. The facts are not to be blamed, or treated dismissively, simply because they imply a conclusion that is rather bad for Weiner.
This is nuts.