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May 29, 2011
Re-Hacked: Weiner Mayoral Campaign Art Leaked
Update: Daily Mail (UK) Headline Expresses Suspicions About "Hacker" Claim, A Bold Stance Not Even Echoed In Our Conservative-Tilting Media
Content warning for those of you who have avoided the picture.
Give the people what they want.
Daily Mail Is Slightly More Skeptical Than, Say, NRO: I hate busting chops on an important conservative media outlet but what exactly is NRO's problem? They have 800 people over there and 40 blogs. No one can do a ten minute post suggesting some questions that remain outstanding here?
Even in their goddamned "web briefing," apparently there's just no room to mention what is actually happening on the right side of the internet dial.
Anyway, here's the Daily Mail.
Honestly, all they do is report Weiner's claims (now falsified; it's not true he had "no ties" to the Udderlicious Undergraduate), but at least they inject some skepticism into the headline:
Congressman Anthony Weiner's fury as VERY risqué picture is tweeted from his account (but he swears it was a hack job)
Update: Mediaite has some "legitimate questions" about the "hack."
Kudos. Strong skepticism plus presentation of the suspicious circumstances.