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May 27, 2011
Daily Palin Thread: Palin Announces Bus Tour; T-Paw Says Let's Stop Worrying About Bus Tours
She'll be taking a bus tour of the nation's historical sites, she says.
Starting in Washington DC on Sunday, Mrs Palin, the former Alaska governor and Senator John McCain’s vice-presidential running mate in 2008, will travel up through New England, “through our nation’s rich historical sites” in the coming weeks, she announced on her website.
The trip, which will propel Mrs Palin back into the limelight after several months of relative anonymity, follows a number of other moves that suggest that either she is serious about a presidential bid or simply attempting to burnish her celebrity appeal.
“Our nation is at a critical turning point,” Mrs Palin said in a statement. “As we look to the future, we are propelled by America’s past. It’s imperative that we connect with our founders, our patriots, our challenges and victories to clearly see our way forward.”
The Telegraph suggests it's a several month trip, which seems incompatible with also gearing up for a run, but I keep being told she's tearing up the rulebook and stuff so I guess why not.
T-Paw made a mistake, I think, in suggesting he was getting tired of speculating about Palin, because he wants Palin's supporters, obviously, and has to share their interests.
“Who knows? I don’t know if she’s running or not,” Pawlenty said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” during a campaign stop in New York City. “We need to quit worrying about polls and bus tours and get onto the issue of how we’re going to fix the country and get the country back on track.”
It's a deflection back to the issues but the problem is the supporters he needs to court believes Palin is the way to get the country back on track.
This is going to be tough for others, if she runs. Her supporters take a dim view of anyone who attacks her, but you have to attack an opponent, right?
Hysterical Jag-Off Andrew Sullivan Makes A Funny: Safe link to Weasel Zippers. Don't click on that -- yet.
First, guess: What does Andrew Sullivan suggest Palin's quasi-campaign film is like?
Got it?
No wait-- don't get tricky or clever. Don't outsmart yourself, dude.
Think of the stupidest, most kneejerk, most obvious, 3am losers arguing in an AOL political forum idiotic comparison you can make. No Sergei Eisenstein. Let's be a little less know-it-all and a little more automatic bumper-sticker reflexively stupid, okay?
Got your guess now? Okay now click and confirm you're correct.
There is tendency attributed to bloggers. That they shoot from the lip, are hysterical rather than measured, emotional rather than analytical.
There is truth in that. But oddly, the blogger the Make Believe Media has chosen to elevate to the status of Important Pundit is the one blogger who exemplifies the worst of the stereotype of bloggers as obsessive, crazy cranks with too much time and too little sobriety.
Thanks to a commenter, who suggests I'm "onside" with Sullivan re: Palin, and since he says "onside," I must conclude he is a damn foreigner. Most likely British, though I will go as low as "Canadian."