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May 26, 2011
Oh My...T-Paw Calls Out Barack Obama
Oh, it's on.
This is something Pawlenty needs to be careful about. You can try too hard to manufacture toughness and buzz.
Yes, Obama should shut up about Medicare if he's not going to put out a plan (though he won''t) but it's not like Obama is just vacationing in Europe. He's conducting the country's business by meeting with allies, attending the annual G-20 summit and then heading to Poland to meet with central European leaders. You know, doing the stuff that's part of the job Pawlenty wants so badly.
Any election with an incumbent is a referendum on the incumbent. The challenger needs to keep the focus there and be seen as a plausible alternative. Talking smack on Twitter is not presidential. If T-Paw wants to go down this road maybe he should set his sites at a more realistic level...Fox News Contributor.
I've been liking Pawlenty a lot more this week and this isn't really going to change that but it's an unforced error. It'll be forgotten soon enough but an error none the less.
Just to be clear...I want a candidate to take on the Cult of Obama. I just want them to do it in a way that Obama, not them comes out worse for it. Calling a basic part of a President's job "a pub crawl" is a swing and a miss.
I appreciate the idea, just not impressed by the execution of it.

posted by DrewM. at
05:40 PM
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