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Tornadoblogging - Day 2 »
May 25, 2011
MSNBC Cruelly Suspends Mentally-Challenged Man With Few Job Prospects
Has it come to this?
It has.
Slut-tastic! RT @davidhauptmann: Politico: "MSNBC has suspended host Ed Schultz for one week without pay"
The wet-looking toad earlier called Laura Ingraham a "rightwing slut" and, um, a "talk-slut," which is just stupid.
Yeah, Ed Schultz really needs to watch this. This is my own good deed for the day-- an intervention.
Ed Schultz is an embarrassing person. The sort of person you don't want to be seen in the company of. He's obese, stupid, red-faced, stupid, inarticulate, borderline mentally-deficient, stupid, graceless, charmless, witless, last-sad-hound-at-the-kennel ugly, and also stupid.
The swells at MSNBC, like Larry O'Donnell, with his boyish good looks untouched by any required military service in Vietnam, do not want to share his company. As he's a gross toad.
They're really looking for a reason. They'll put up with fewer viewers and more losses if they don't have to be buttonholed by him, mouth spraying out spittle and partially digested appetizers, at corporate events.
He needs to watch how stupid and repugnant he allows himself to be. No one, not even liberals, want to associate with someone so embarrassing and unattractive and stupid.
They fired the other borderline-imbecile. And Rich Sanchez didn't have to shop for his clothes at a special shop.
Correction... it was CNN who fired that other imbecile. Meh, they all run together.