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May 25, 2011
“Only people on the far margins of the political spectrum oppose ethanol”
Is this a quote from one of the corn-state "bitter clingers" eager to discredit Tim Pawlenty's bold new stand on ethanol subsidies & tax credits?
Not so much.
I almost didn't post this, because I know what's coming. This info is all out there just waiting to be scooped up & used, but since I'm the one pointing it out, it will be painted as some big Love4Sarah conspiracy to derail T-Paw's Tough Talk Express.
"You're just a shill for ethanol, Russ"
"You live in Iowa, so you're hooked on federal subsidies"
Well, let's assume you're all 100% correct. I'm willing to sell you all down the river for a sweet federal ethanol blender's tax credit (which I don't receive any benefit from personally). That would mean that my new favorite Republican contender for President would have to be.......Tim Pawlenty.
Yeah, that's right. Tim Pawlenty.
You think tax credits for blending ethanol into fuel are reaching into your pocket? Then you're gonna love the MANDATED use of not just E10, but E20 blended fuel. Tax credits are for amateurs, the REAL money is in mandates. The tax credits just give refiners a hedge against the market for installing the infrastructure to blend ethanol into fuel. Mandates give them a permanent seat at the table. So take away the tax credits, SHIT even require extra taxes on corn ethanol. It's all good as long as you're going to federalize the mandated use of E20 fuel. Guaranteed demand is worth the extra taxes.
Minnesota was the first state in the Union to require all fuel sold in the State to have 10% ethanol content, and they're also the first ones to up that mandated content to 20%. Who was the governor who caught the Last Train to Porkville & made his state's drivers use ethanol? Mark Dayton?
Nope. It was T-Paw.
Do I think this will kill his candidacy? No, I actually kind of like the guy, if you can look past his squishy AGW support and the "Minnesota Nice" smug attitude that gave Al Franken an opening to cheat his way into the Senate (allegedly). I just have this crazy idea that the guy who is going to save us all from the ethanol monster should, you know, actually want to save us all from the ethanol monster. If Romney has to carry the RomneyCare albatross around his neck this cycle, there's no reason that T-Paw should get a pass on carrying around the Ethanol Mandate albatross. That's just fair play.
posted by Russ from Winterset at
03:12 PM
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