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May 23, 2011
Harris/Playboy Sex Survey (Includes Ideological Breakdowns)
Article here, but who cares.
This is a Harris Interactive poll, so it's online, with self-selection, so it's not a real-real poll, but it is realer than, say, their survey of Playboy readers. (And, like, who reads Playboy anymore?)
The thing that is marginally on-topic here is the breakdown by ideological persuasion.
I dunno -- what's winning and losing here? I guess we're "winning" by our own standards, and liberals are "winning" by theirs.
Except for one thing -- what's this business about 38% of conservatives posting an "ad" (I assume this means a relationship-seeking ad) while already in a relationship?
That doesn't sound right, and is very inconsistent with the other data. The basic take-away is that conservatives are more reserved about sex (including "sexts" and other online expressions of sex), but are posting sex ads while in a relationship? At at a 38% rate?
Seems wrong.
Oh, This is Political:
Should men have a role in abortion decisions affecting their wives or lovers?
Yes: 64 percent (Male 71 percent, Female 57 percent)
No: 22 percent (Male 15 percent, Female 28 percent)
Not sure: 15 percent (Male 14 percent, Female 15 percent)