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May 23, 2011
Spread the Self: Socialist's DNA Found on Maid's Dress
I'm f'n' awesome at headlines. I should just do headlines. Enough with this "writing" horseshit.
Anyway, DNA was found on her dress.
This isn't exactly news because Geraldo Rivera reported the prosecutors' case is overwhelming and incontrovertible, at least as regards sexual contact. The only possible defense is consent.
Geraldo went further. With actual sex rejected, Strauss-Kahn went for sodomy. Both kinds -- Country and Western. (This is Blues Brothers reference, not a joke about the Heartland.)
It's good to be the king. (R-Rated Mel Brooks Off-Color Comedy There.)
Now, if you can at all follow this logic, please do explain it to me in the comments.
But Bill Maher thinks that the Strauss-Kahn archsocialist-forcible-sodomy-on-the-world's-taxpayers'-dime should teach "Teabaggers" some lessons about socialism, and, I shit you not, that lesson is that... socialism is good.
His point seems to be that the $3000 a night hotels and sodomy-rape of chambermaids proves to us teabaggers that socialism is all about "profit" (both pecuniary and in non-pecuniary License to Rape form, I suppose), which we should appreciate.
That's right, Teabaggers, this is a teachable moment for you. The fact that this guy was living like a king, and raping like a king, on the taxpayers' dime is proof that socialism is not scary, and yes, that s what he says.
Do you get that? I don't. I assume this insight comes from a place of cocaine abuse brain damage.
More: Wanted to link this yesterday. This NYP report on Strauss-Kahn's post-forcible-sodomy behavior is hilarious slash horrifying.
What he does is horrifying; how they report it is hilarious.
The guy walked out of one forcible sodomy and immediately began molesting women on the airplane he got on.
I gotta tell ya, all of a sudden Bill Maher is making an awful lot of sense to me.