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May 19, 2011
Enemies List: Obama Bans Boston Herald From Media Pool For Daring To Report News As It Sees Fit
They published an op-ed by Mitt Romney on Page 1. Which isn't even Page One, I don't think, as the cover is really page one, but whatever. (I don't know, maybe it was on the cover.)
Obama reacted by banning the Herald from the media pool in his upcoming shakedown.
“I know the president and the White House are very sensitive about anyone who talks about the failures in the economy,” Romney said. “They’re in denial about putting people out of work and the under-employed. When the Herald speaks the truth, they lash out.”
“I think the president’s campaign promises in too many cases have gone by the boards. The transparency pledge was the first to go,” Romney said. “The inclination toward retribution and lashing out toward people who disagree with his economic posture is only the latest chapter.”
This is a pampered child who has never dealt with criticism nor learned how to handle it, now rewarded with great power, and he lashes out with that power like a child with a dangerous toy.
He's like the kid in the cornfield in Twilight Zone.
Even MSNBC... Or at least even Scary Larry O'Donnell agrees. Or pretends to. Ah well, the pretense of principle is close enough to the real thing.
Man, I thought I was a windy bastard. Look at this jackass nutter on.
Here are some quotes.
Okay, White House, let's get something straight here: The Boston Herald is not unbiased. Let's get something else straight: The Boston Globe is not unbiased. The New York Times is not unbiased. The Washington Post is not unbiased. There are now maybe no more than ten cities left in America that have more than one newspaper. Boston is one of those lucky cities. The Boston Globe, the dominant paper in the region, likes you guys in the Obama White House. The Boston Herald doesn't like you. Get used to it. And understand that the Herald can do you no harm. You won Massachusetts by nearly 26 points.
And if you think Mitt Romney’s Herald front page op-ed was a little tough on President Obama, you got to read the Herald more often.
The headline for Mitt Romney’s piece about president Obama was "Why He's Failing and How to Get it Right." If that's the worst headline Barack Obama gets in the Boston Herald, he will be very, very lucky.
But that's the point, isn't it? Although Obama and his media toe-suckers instruct us to treat him like a regular person, they refuse to do so himself. There are special rules for Obama, and those rules are not just from the media. They're pushed by Obama himself.