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May 18, 2011
Shocker: Kagan And White House Lied About Kagan's Role In ObamaCare Litigation Defense
How can she not recuse herself?, a commenter asks.
Well, I think if you've set out to lie and falsify the record to get on the court you are prepared to just lie some more, eh?
In an email dated Jan. 8, 2010, then-Deputy Solicitor General Neal Katyal sent an email to Senior Counsel Brian Hauck and Deputy Attorney General Thomas Perrelli that indicates Kagan played a key role in coming up with a legal defense.
“Brian, Elena would definitely like OSG [Office of Solicitor General] to be involved in this set of issues … we will bring Elena as needed.”
In an email on March 21, 2010, Katyal urged Kagan to attend a health-care litigation meeting on defending the law. “I think you should go, no?” wrote Katyal. “I will, regardless, but feel like this is litigation of singular importance.”
The documents also show that once Kagan was nominated to the Supreme Court, she and Katyal immediately switched course to distance her from discussions about the legislation.
On May 17, 2010, for example, Tracy Schmaler, a Department of Justice spokesperson wrote to Katyal, “Has Elena been involved in any of that to the extent SG office was consulted … ?”
“No, she has never been involved in any of it. I’ve run it for the office, and have never discussed the issues with her one bit,” was Katyal’s response. He then forwarded the correspondence to Kagan, saying “This is what I told Tracy about Health Care.”
Kagan’s response: “This needs to be coordinated. Tracy you should not say anything about this before talking to me.”
Just a crazy question here -- has anyone said "We've got to get our stories straight" when everyone involved was planning on telling the truth?
Are "coordinated" stories generally more credible than uncoordinated, unscripted ones? I guess the Obama White House thinks so.
It's a hip, smart way to say "lying."