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May 12, 2011
Obama: You're Quite Right, Government Workers Are The Most Important Workers Of All
Sure, absolutely.
He also then says that he thinks government jobs also should be the most secure of all.
OBAMA: Let me just first of all say that workers like you, for the federal, state, and local governments, are so important for our vital services. And it frustrates me sometimes when people talk about ‘government jobs’ as if somehow those are worth less than private sector jobs. I think there is nothing more important than working on behalf of the American people.
FEDERAL WORKER: I thought I would be more important and secure.
OBAMA: I agree with you.
He also says, later in the clip, that he hopes that when the economy does better, he can hire back the very few unnecessary workers that have been laid off.
Originally from Story Balloon (throw them some hits).
Thanks to laceyunderalls.