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May 10, 2011
RoutineCall.com: Bush Ordered SEALs Into Pakistan Twice on Terrorist Hunts
Bughunts, I guess.
One raid was for Zawahiri, the other one for a madrassa suspected of harboring terrorists.
"Bloodthirsty liberals" who are suddenly pro-assassination are just overjoyed at all this murder-shit.
They're so proud that Obama is almost as good on this single issue as any conventional Republican would be.
Yayyyy...! We've proved we're slightly inferior to our direct competitors!
Anyone ever notice that no beer sells itself as "the Budweiser of Beers"? Like, to do so would just be to confirm that maybe you should just buy Budweiser?
So Obama's the Republican of Democrats on killin' stuff?
Okay. Well... what about a Republican? Presumably a Republican of Republicans could beat the Republican of Democrats, right?