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May 09, 2011
Keith Olbermann Up To Keith Olbermann Type Stuff Again
Tanned, ready, and ranting.
Gasbag Keith Olbermann can't seem to wrangle staff for his Current TV show, "Countdown." Still in need of an executive producer and other staff, famously difficult Olbermann has crawled back to his contacts at MSNBC, many of whom he offended while there, to beg for staff. "Everyone is laughing," said a source. "They would never leave the network to work for him."
The fun part comes when Olbermann takes to what Jammie Wearing Fool calls "the nerve center of the vast Olbermann media empire," i.e., his Twitter account, to deny and deny and re-deny the story, sounding just like the insecure narcissist fool he is.
Sorry: A bad day for blogging. I didn't mean to take the day off. What's going on is that I'm just writing something else, not political. It keeps preoccupying me. I go over to just write a little bit down and suddenly an hour and half's gone by.
I'm closing it for now.