« "The Martyr's Sea:" Attempt To Deny Osama a Shrine Only Partially Successful |
Debra Burlingame: Obama Says He Will Not Intervene With AG Holder Over Indictments of CIA Interrogators »
May 05, 2011
The Dogs of War: Amazing Photos (and Great Article) About Our Kennel of Special Forces 007 Dogs
They spent $19 billion on technological abilities to sniff out explosives. After six years of trying to make a bomb-detecting gadget, they found their best efforts produced only a 50% detection rate.
The plain old dog had an 80% rate.
They're trained to scent not just a stationary bomb but traces of explosive hanging in the air. Plus general watch-dog and attack-dog functions.
The Gun That Killed Bin Ladin? Well, guns don't kill people, people kill people, but the gun that a person used to kill Usama was, reportedly (though the story is shifting, like everything else in this story) a Sig P226.
Two men actually shot bin Ladin; I don't know if both used the same weapon.
Hell of an advertisement.
Thanks to gg.
Sorry: I keep getting Obama and Osama mixed up. It's become a media practice to call him Usama, a commenter tells me, to keep themselves from making the same error. I kept trying to write bin Ladin but I keep slipping up.