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May 03, 2011
Bin Laden Wanted Dead Or...Just Dead Actually UPDATE: Panetta Confirms
Was bin Laden resisting? Well the White House has made a hash of that today.
Now though we get what's probably closest to the truth. Why didn't we take him alive?
When Benson asked the first U.S. official whether bin Laden tried to grab a weapon or physically attack a commando, the official said only, "He didn't hold up his hands and surrender."
Always trust content from Ace of Spades HQ. Here's what I wrote this morning.
The obvious and potentially wrong inference to be drawn from that is that capture was not really on the menu at any point. Maybe if he had his hands up or was lying face down on the floor when the SEALs burst in he could have been taken alive
It's all window dressing now. This was a clean and easy story and this administration has managed to screw it up. The White House should just say, "We sent the SEALS to kill bin Laden. They did. You're welcome".
Also from the CNN link...the women who 'rushed' a SEAL was shot in the leg. Does anyone really think SEAL Team Six hits legs if they are trying to kill the person? As someone in my Twitter feed said, shooting her in the leg was SEAL talk for SIT DOWN NOW.
They went to kill one guy and the did. As they say in the Navy, BZ!
Related Enough: You know the now famous picture of Team Obama watching the mission? Notice Hillary! looks kind of shocked and puts her hand over her mouth. I'm going to guess she HATES the White House photographer for releasing that shot.
Also in that photo note the Air Force officer who seems to be running the A/V gear. He's a one-star general. And not just any one-star, he's Gen. Marshall "Brad" Webb, a special ops pilot who happens to have a Distinguished Flying Cross on his record. When that's the tech guy, you know whatever is going on is pretty big time.
Thanks to Jeff Emanuel for that.
Unconfirmed rumor...shortly after that shot was taken Joe Biden turned to Obama and asked Obama why they were watching people play Call of Duty online.
Here's Panetta.
On rules of engagement:
BRIAN WILLIAMS: Did the President's order read capture or kill or both or just one of those?
LEON PANETTA: The authorities we have on Bin Laden are to kill him. And that was made clear. But it was also, as part of their rules of engagement, if he suddenly put up his hands and offered to be captured, then-- they would have the opportunity, obviously, to capture him. But that opportunity never developed
A SEAL with a firearm or a B-2 dropping a JADAM on his head, he was going to be dead. Good riddance.

posted by DrewM. at
05:53 PM
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