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April 29, 2011
Mitch Daniels Announces Planned Parenthood Funding Cut-Off, Presidential Run
Yeah, he's running, as Allah figures too. The politics of it are actually a bit riskier and more complicated than I would have guessed (ending PP funding puts the state's whole Medicaid federal kickback in jeopardy), so one supposes it would have been easier for him to reject the funding cut-off.
As has been noted many times before: Although Mitch Daniels keeps (incomprehensibly) talking up a "truce" on social issues, he is in fact pro-life and has governed that way. He hasn't just talked it up as his own "personal choice" the way others do. When the question is put to him in a tangible way, either up or down in legislation or executive policy, he almost always chooses the pro-life position.
I don't think this "truce" idea is smart politics, and I ding him for that, but on the actual issue of abortion he's pretty solidly red.
(Not that I care or reward him for that; that's not my issue. But, just setting the record straight.)