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April 25, 2011
Stephanopolous Laments Obama's Falling Poll Numbers, Blaming Them On Country's "Gas Gripes"
Gripes? I don't remember a dismissive word like that, freighted with the notion of irrationality and churlishness, being tossed in the public's direction when they held Bush responsible for rising gas prices.
But this is just the overall Narrative at work: The only reasons someone may have to disapprove of Barack Hussein Obama are all unreasonable, unfair, irrational, unsophisticated, or hateful, and very likely each of these.
Related to that, the AP seems to struggle to find any problem with rising gas prices apart from that unfair complication they cause for Obama.
Another bit of bias: Anyone writing stories for the media is by definition working, and probably at least decently paid. So these people continue to treat the misery of the economic quagmire as just some abstract hurdle Obama has to leap over.
Schadenboner Part I: New York Times, Newsweek most probably doomed.
Schadenboner Part II: Daily Beast, Andrew Sullivan most likely doomed.
The other day I referred to Andrew Sullivan refusing to stand up to his corporate masters at The Atlantic. I have to correct -- I forgot, by which I mean I never knew, Sullivan moved from The Atlantic to the Daily Beast last month, which I guess means he's now freer to indulge his Trig Trutherism.
Another Correction (?): Drew thinks Kaus is wrong and I'm wrong to follow him in his error -- he thinks that SiteMeter graph shows hits to Sullivan's old address/site at the Atlantic, and the steep drop-off is just due to people figuring out they don't have to go there to get redirected, but can just go straight to the Daily Beast.
There's no SiteMeter (that I can see, anyway) at the Daily Beast.
Seems to be a likely explanation.
Gas Pump Activism: Some are talking up taking activism to the gas pumps, putting up notices that these gas prices are all part of Obama's plan. Instapundit cautions against permanent or hard-to-remove notices -- that's vandalism, of a sort -- and suggests instead post-it notes.
A good way to do it is just with a bumper sticker -- when people see it, they're in their cars, so it's in their minds. Plus they'll see even more of it if they're behind you at the pumps.