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April 11, 2011
Hello: Missouri Democratic AG Breaks With His Party To Criticize ObamaCare In Legal Briefing
Welcome to the party, pal.
Though Mr. Koster has been slow to weigh in, he did not mince words, arguing in the brief that Congress had overstepped its authority by mandating that individuals purchase health insurance, which he called “a substantial blow to federalism and personal freedom.”
“If Congress can force activity under the Commerce Clause, then it could force individuals to receive vaccinations or annual check-ups, undergo mammogram or prostate exams, or maintain a specific-body mass,” he wrote.
Ahem. He then goes on to argue that while the mandate should be repealed, the rest of the monstrosity should remain on the books.
He also didn't even join the lawsuit as a party -- but only wrote a brief as a friend of the court.
Oh, well. I wasn't really thinking he was an ally. But...
For Mr. Koster, who was elected in 2008, the decision to oppose his party on such a high-profile issue reflects the political challenges for Missouri Democrats in the coming election cycle.
Yes, indeedie.
This particular guy is just pretending to be on board with this because Missouri's voters voted 3-to-1 to repeal the law, so he offers up this shuck and jive.
Not to actually repeal ObamaCare. Just to save his own ass.
Remember, pal:
There is no "I" in Repeal.
I don't know what that means either but you damn well better remember it.