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March 01, 2011
Ron Paul Wants To Take A Moment To Remind Everyone He's Not A Serious Thinker
Just in case you forgot that Ron Paul! is dangerously naive when it comes to, well so many things but in this case Israel, he'd like to remind you who he is.
I believe in non-intervention. I believe we should treat all other countries alike, and that we should be friends. Israel is very, very powerful. If we weren’t in there, they could do what they want to protect themselves, and they wouldn’t have to ask us permission, and we would never have to be dragged in if something happens over there. I think they’d be much better off, and that would be a constitutional position.
Yes by all means, let's treat "all other countries alike". Canada and Libya...all the same! Andora and China? Don't discriminate!
Amazingly enough, he gets even goofier by saying we shouldn't pick sides between Israel and the Palestinians. This of course puts him at odds with most Americans who support Israel and the Obama administration which supports the Palestinians.
It all sounds very even handed but Paul and others who think we tilt to far to Israel's side never quite get around to explaining what exactly is in it for us to see the Palestinians run the Jews into the sea? And let's be honest, that's the end game here. If they were genuine about a two-state solution, the Palestinians could have had that years ago. Put the morality of allowing another Holocaust aside for the moment, it's simply naive in the extreme to think if we just feed them the Jews, they'll leave us alone. Where's the evidence for this notion that if we and the west simply retreat, expansionist Islam will simply be satisfied at Israel? History kind of demonstrates the exact opposite.
So, the outcome of an even handed or pro-Palestinian policy is morally reprehensible and pays no strategic dividends? What's not to love about it?
Beyond the foreign policy nuttery, I really don't get the Ron Paul phenomenon. Here's a guy who is 75 years old and seems to attract a lot of attention from young (and really annoying) supporters. I guess it's because there's always going to be a fair amount of cranks in the world and Paul gives voice to a certain subset of them, so for that group he's pretty much the only game in town. Plus, he's like the crank who made good and got elected to the House. I guess this gives him and by proxy them, so legitimacy.
Naturally the MFM loves the guy because he's an embarrassment to actual Republicans and conservatives. Any thing or any one they can use to beat up the evilllll right wing with will do nicely.
posted by DrewM. at
01:15 PM
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