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February 28, 2011
Most Important News of the Week: Some People Said Bad Things About Sarah Palin
The Hammer asked for a thread about people talking about Palin. Fine.
Chris Christie says what I've been saying forever: If Palin wants to prove she has the mettle to stand up to Ahmadinejad, she has to show the mettle of standing up David Gregory and George Stephanopolous. Her FaceBook/Friendly Media agenda proves she can, like Barack Obama, give a fine interview when gently questioned; it doesn't prove she can actually stand up to the fire.
I keep hearing she's the only candidate who's been baptized by fire but I haven't actually seen her in fire for quite a long time.
But Chris Christie, and I, are bad people for noting this, or bad people for wondering what it will take for Palin to reverse her horrible unfavorable ratings.
Ann Coulter, newest member of the RINO Sell-Out Caucus, says that Palin isn't running, but is just maintaining the possibility of running because (as she claims Palin quoted Gingrich) you get paid more in speaking fees if people think you're running. (Coulter goes on to say that this is why Gingrich "pretends to run every four years" but no umbrage is taken over her dis of Gingrich.)
I actually think Coulter is unfair here. I thought this myself, but upon examining the situation, I had to conclude the charge was false.
First of all -- most importantly -- Sarah Palin maintains that she just might run for president because, um, she really might run for president. Now, I think that is an outside chance, and I think Palin thinks that's an outside chance too; but Palin herself says it's an outside chance (or puts it in a way that suggests she wouldn't run if a capable True Conservative did, at least). Furthermore, everything is a "might" situation in life, pretty much.
I think Palin says she might run for president because she might run for president. "Might" doesn't mean "will." It means might. I think that's true. We can argue about the likelihood of it, but in the end, I'm sure there's some chance under some circumstances she could run.
There are other reasons besides simple truth to maintain she could run -- it makes her more influential, and yes, it makes her richer. So there is a mixture of motives here, but you can't get past that first one -- it's also true, and that's motive enough, isn't it?
So I disagree with the RINO Ann Coulter here. But overall, of course, her greater sin is failing to get on Team Palin which we now know makes you a disreputable person who can only possibly be acting out of jealousy over the fact that you're aging badly while Palin still looks hot. (Yes, this is an explanation offered in the comments for Ann Coulter's failure to embrace Palin -- jealousy. I hear this sometimes here, in different variations.)
Nikki Haley claims she doesn't "owe" Palin a nomination and will make such a determination of who to endorse later. (No nasty comments there about Haley.)
I realize this post has a sneering tone. I'm at that point. I'm sneering. I do not believe that the most important story in politics is always who's saying supportive things about Palin and who's saying critical things. I think this is like American Idol balloting at this point.
There are more important things. This doesn't even make the top 50.