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February 26, 2011
D.C. Union Rally as Predicted: Old Tone, Teabagger and Koch Jokes, Van Jones
Just got back from what was billed by MoveOn.org as part of a nationwide union solidarity protest. In fact, it was really a bunch of loosely-connected leftist groups complaining about the usual suspects: corporations, the rich, Speaker Boehner, the Tea Party, and men. Probably between 400 and 500 people showed up and stayed for about 45 minutes.
I was there with fellow undercover cons @mamaswati, @alwaysonoffense, and @mattdeluca (who you might like to follow on twitter). Photos below are accurately tagged, so if you "borrow" one, please credit the appropriate photographer.
Though Dupont Circle is about 100 yards from the SEIU headquarters here in Washington, D.C., apparently the protest permit was snagged by Planned Parenthood. That probably accounts for the shouted chants of "Pro-life men have got to go. When you're pregnant let us know!" and this sign, which was snapped by @mattdeluca:
Here's another one from Matt, yes the socialists were out in force too:
The Tea Party came in for some predictable abuse. The next photo is mine. Yes, that's a child; no, his parents were nowhere in sight.
Here's another anti-Tea Party poster photo-ed by @mamaswati:
As the MBM would have you believe, there was no violent imagery at all from these leftists. Nope, nuh uh (my pic):
On the other hand, there were plenty of comparisons of Republicans to murderous dictators (first pic mine, second @mamaswati's):
The Koch brothers came in for abuse, too (pics mine):
And our old friend Van Jones was there too, as snapped by @alwaysonoffense:
He gave a rousing, though nonsensical speech that started from the premise that "the nightmare of the past two years is over." Hey, your guess is as good as mine.
Finally, at least the rally wasn't without humor (first two pics are mine, third pic of a font joke, of all things, is Matt's):
Oh, and there's another rally tomorrow...

posted by Gabriel Malor at
05:02 PM
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