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February 24, 2011
Incivility Watch
From here.
And where was Obama during this outpouring of incivility? "In an interview with a Milwaukee television station last week the president acknowledged that he hadn't followed the legislation in Wisconsin closely, but he characterized it as sounding like 'an assault on unions.' He made no mention of teachers violating the law in a de facto strike. He didn't say a word about the incendiary rhetoric or the tactic of marching on lawmakers' homes. And he said nothing about the missing state legislators and their antidemocratic walkout."
Such hypocrisy goes unremarked upon by most in the liberal punditocracy, which remains convinced the civility problem is a right-wing phenomenon.
From here.
We and a few others got a sage advisory on the topic of civility from this good anti-American leftist.
Ah well. The media won't cover that.
Since the left is taking a "f*** civility" stance (even while attempting to impose this stance on the right), I guess it's fair play to quote on of the all time best come-backs I've ever read on a blog.
Here was a leftist ConcernFag yelling at us:
Honestly. What the hell do any of you care about gays getting married? None of you know any gays. Gays don't belong to your bridge club, you're never going to invite one over for a barbecue. A gay couple on the other side of town could get married, you would never know it. It wouldn't affect your life in the slightest.
Yet here you are defending your DOMA, using the government to invade the private lives of people you don't know and don't live anywhere near bumblefuck Alabama.
You're bigots. Don't argue, don't bother with your disgusting retorts. You're bigots. Intolerant, hateful, xenophobic bigots. Using bigotry to get other bigots excited. That's your defense of marriage act. Rally bell for bigots at election time.
The world is changing and you bigots WILL be bred out of existence. History will remember you bigots like it remembers all the others - sadly.
Breed of us out of existence? Empire of Jeff thought that plan was a bit weak:
Better get busy out-breeding me, Jimmy-Joe.
Because while you've been occupied getting your shit pushed in, I've been punching out a new Master Race like an angry, white, dick-flavored Pez dispenser from your worst Republican nightmare.
Oh snap!, as black people always say, in television skits, in 1994.
I don't care who you are, that right there is comedy.
Thanks to runningrn for pointing out that zinger.