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February 23, 2011
Coordination: Feinstein To Introduce Bill to Repeal DOMA
We were assured there was no problem with gay marriage on the state level, because we had DOMA to thwart lawsuits to force it on to unwilling states.
Fooled ya!
“My own belief is that when two people love each other and enter the contract of marriage, the Federal government should honor that.
I opposed the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. It was the wrong law then; it is the wrong law now; and it should be repealed.”
As usual, marriage is being redefined from a manner of producing stability in families and therefore creating and caring for children to a Valentine's Day sort of romantic/sexual "love."
Marriage is now just a Federal Certificate of Goin' Steady.
Odd that we never before needed a government sanction for Goin' Steady before.
Just recently we were informed by McClatchy newspapers that a "new, crafty" type of leadership had been invented by Obama -- not leading.
Isn't it funny that Obama is capable of the Old and Busted style of leadership (where you, you know, lead) on issues he cares about?
Why no "new, crafty" style of leadership on gay issues?
But: You bitter clingers should know Obama's still on your side, sort of. He's still "grappling" with the issue.
Spokesman Jay Carney said Obama has always opposed the Defense of Marriage Act as "unnecessary and unfair." But Carney said there's no change to how Obama views gay marriage itself.
He's not sure if gays should have the right to get married, but he's certain that it's "unnecessary and unfair" to deny them marriage.
What? Doesn't that mean he's actually decided?
No, no, no. He's still "grappling." Because his pollsters told him to say that.
See, he's conflicted and open-minded, just like you. Except he's acting like a determined ideologue. But inside he's all confused and "grappling." And that's what's important. Or something.