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February 23, 2011
President Silent on Libya Due To (Pause To Gulp Water) "Scheduling Issue"
Update: Due to Evacuating Potential American Hostages from Libya?
Check out taxpayer-paid liar Jay Carney take a big gulp of guilty water as he trots out his "scheduling issue" evasion.
All I can tell from Obama is that it's dangerous to be a friend to the US and safe to be an enemy. When a US ally (even an autocratic one) is in trouble, Obama's got the pom-poms out for revolution.
When a confirmed US terrorist enemy is in trouble, suddenly Obama has "scheduling issues" or even actively supports the regime.
Is it time to take a stance? Given that army units are defecting and Qaddafy is losing cities, and given this key claim:
Army units that defected from Khadafy claimed control over almost the entire eastern half of Libya's coast -- where most of the oil is.
...it would seem that Obama could afford to be as forward-leaning against Qaddaffy as he was against US ally Mubarak. Qaddaffy seems at least as imperiled as Mubarak -- if not more so. Mubarak's army didn't actively side against him until the endgame of the crisis.
What accounts for Obama's continued support of resolutely anti-western despots? It must be the idea that these are "authentic" third-world people's movements and ultimately anything contrary to the US interest is in the interest of the People of the World.
Good Reason? DrewM. points out that Americans are being evacuated from Libya:
Supposedly it's because Americans are being evacuated today and the worry is Kadaffey would grab them.
Not sure how much I believe that but let's see what happens this evening when they are clear.
Ah. Well, that would be a very good reason to delay a statement. I'm with Drew in taking a wait-and-see attitude then, I guess. I confess I hadn't considered that and now that I do my criticism is half-cocked.
I'll wait for the evacuation. (Although, seriously, this didn't already begin and end?)