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February 19, 2011
Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics UPDATED
Eric Cantor press release, "we cut $100 billion from the budget".*
I'm speechless.
No wait, I'm not either. This is brazen rhetorical budget-year bullshit, the kind I was told by "serious" Republicans was the same nonsense Obama used to defend his health care savings calculations (take money for ten years spend it for six). And shoving the BS claim in your face a mere day after voting with the Dems to avoid an additional $22 BB in actual cuts, well "shameless" is too kind a word.
It's not $100 billion, it's $61 billion.
Andy said it better, "this is measuring from the taint".
*holds my fingers four inches apart and winks. Oh yeah baby.
UPDATE: Roll call vote on Jordan/Blackburn via MelissaTweets
* yes, I know, it's not the budget, it's a CR. I also know it ain't 100 billion.

posted by Dave In Texas at
10:55 AM
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