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BREAKING: Mubarak Resigns, Military Council To Take Over. UPDATE: It's A Military "Coup" »
February 11, 2011
Livestreaming Today’s Fun in Egypt
"And so it was decreed, with the Tyrant Mubarak departed from Egypt, that the spice would flow once again"
(Now what to do with all those sandworms....)
UPDATE: And as I was typing the junk below, Mubarak's officially gone? So it's reported but given what happened yesterday...trust but verify. Seems to be the case though.
WHOA: Not really an update but this morning Our Man In Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad weighed in on the subject:
"TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Iran's president said Friday that Egypt's popular uprising shows a new Islamic Middle East is emerging, one that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claims will have no signs of Israel and U.S. "interference."
The Iranian leader spoke as the country marked the 32nd anniversary of its 1979 Islamic Revolution that toppled the pro-U.S. shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and brought hardline clerics to power."
The statement contained the usual bullshit about the Great Satan and all that (which is a bit of an overstatement as the current administration seems intent on relegating us to Mediocre Satan status, but whatever). But a quick check on the Wikipedia article about the Iranian Revolution brings up this li'l nugget:
"The final collapse of the provisional non-Islamist government came at 2 p.m. February 11 when the Supreme Military Council declared itself "neutral in the current political disputes… in order to prevent further disorder and bloodshed." Revolutionaries took over government buildings, TV and Radio stations, and palaces of Pahlavi dynasty."
Today is also Feb. 11th.
UPDATE: Protesters also climbing on top of Egyptian Army tanks, bouncing up and down. No luck as yet in their efforts to tip one over but the crowds continue their shouts of "Lakers Win! Lakers Win!"
UPDATE: Mubarak, like Elvis, seems to have left the building. Reports have been scattered as to his current location (some put him in the Egyptian Sinai city of Sharm el-Sheikh while others already have him out of the country in transit to the U.A.E), but the various sources seem to be gelling on at least the fact that he's no longer in Cairo.
CNN's running some updates for what it's worth.
Original Post:
From Al Jazeera English.
Say what you want about them but they’ve been doing a fairly thorough job of covering most angles.
Today it appears that some of the livelier protests are occuring in Alexandria where a large crowd is marching towards one of Mubarak's palaces and just about to reach the so-called "military zone" where the Egyptian Army has formed a perimeter. Other crowds are converging on the state-run media complex and have apparently broken through the perimeter.
After yesterday's non-resignation it may be that the issue is about to be forced and the military is going to have to choose sides. Or maybe not, since that's what everyone's been saying for the past three weeks.
Also, sandworms were sighted on the outskirts of Cairo on The Giza Plateau though it's unknown at this juncture where their loyalties lie.
Updates, bumps, noogies and wedgies as warranted.
AoS file photo of an Egyptian.

posted by Genghis at
11:17 AM
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