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February 07, 2011
The Only Good Conservative Is A Dead Conservative, And More Stupid Liberal Tricks
Jonah Goldberg has a good piece on this shell game, in which conservatives suddenly become bipartisan nice guys the moment they die, so they can be contrasted with current conservatives, who are always Worst. Conservatives. Ever.
I like this at the end:
While the encomiums to Reagan & Co. are welcome, the reality is that very little has changed. As we saw in the wake of the Tucson shootings, so much of the effort to build up conservatives of the past is little more than a feint to tear down the conservatives of the present. It’s an old game. For instance, in 1980, quirky New Republic writer Henry Fairlie wrote an essay for the Washington Post in which he lamented the rise of Reagan, “the most radical activist of them all.” The title of his essay: “If Reagan Only Were Another Coolidge . . . ”
Indeed, and if only Coolidge were another McKinley.