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February 03, 2011
RedEye, Gateway Drug
A former progressive explains in an open letter how RedEye turned him on to conservatism. And then on to the harder stuff, like Fox News. Now he's into Andrew Breitbart and Ann Coulter on a regular basis.
My conversion from raging liberal to conservative didn’t happen overnight, though it may appear to some as if it had. I also realize no one at Fox News cares one whit what my political affiliations are, as long as I watch. But that’s the point. After my first “Red Eye” episode, I became a Fox News junkie.
It was while visiting friends who were “Red Eye” watchers that I saw my first show. The day I returned home, the very first thing I did when I’d finished unpacking was to turn on Fox News. I started paying attention.
At first, this was solely because I wanted more information on the stories they might cover on that night’s “Red Eye.” Then, it was because I found the opinions and stories covered on FNC refreshing and, ultimately, eye-opening.
I reached out to people like Andrew Breitbart. I discovered a warm, genuine human being who was working hard to push values in which he truly believed, and to open the eyes of everyday Americans as to how they were being duped by the mainstream media. I saw Ann Coulter unedited by leftists who hated her for the first time, and discovered she was warm, witty and highly sarcastic; all traits I highly admire.
Now, Breitbart and Coulter are two of my very favorite conservative personalities.
Read the rest. He goes on to explain his RedEye withdrawal when the show is preempted by so-called "updates" and "breaking news." That is somethig I can identify with. I get irritable when RedEye isn't on. I send snarky tweets. Newsflash: It ain't an update if it goes on for an hour. Updates last, like, 30 seconds, maybe a minute at the outside. And breaking news is about new news. Not news that has been on all day. And I always find myself asking the same kinds of questions he does, "Why didn't they interrupt the O'Reilly repeat or one of the other shows?" (Not Special Report, though.)
Via Big Hollywood.

posted by rdbrewer at
09:23 PM
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