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January 18, 2011
CAC's Late Night Art Thread
CAC is busy with "an extraordinary set of circumstances" related to work this week and asked me to do the art thread. ("Extraordinary circumstances" = "the check cleared.") If you have submitted some things to CAC that haven't been posted, send them to me at rdbrewer4(at)yadayadayadagmail.com. Like that secret code there? I'll try to put together a post for tomorrow night.
For tonight, please feel free to link to art or criticism you feel is noteworthy. I'd like to put up a sample of criticism that would help teach the meat and potatoes art consumer "how to see" abstract art, since so many seem to be repulsed by "blobs of paint" and "doodles." If you know of something useful, please put me some information.
I wonder if computer art in flash programs like this ever qualify as art-art. Anyone? Click anywhere in the box. After the title screen, move your cursor around.
From Neave.com.

posted by rdbrewer at
11:27 PM
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