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January 11, 2011
Log Cabin "Republicans"...Hey, That's Nice About Repealing DADT But We're Still Suing And We Want It Lifted Now
Winning isn't enough for some people.
A gay rights group is asking a federal appeals court in California to keep considering if a trial judge properly struck down the U.S. military’s ban on gays serving openly in the military, even though Congress has agreed to repeal “don’t ask, don’t tell.”
Lawyers for Log Cabin Republicans filed legal papers on Monday arguing that because the ban has not yet been lifted and may not be for some time, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals needs to maintain the schedule it set in the government’s challenge to the lower court’s ruling.
One of the main arguments Secretary of Defense Gates made in promoting legislative repeal of DADT was that a judicial ruling forcing it would be dangerous for the military.
Gates and other officials say they don't want the eventual repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell to be forced by an outside entity like the courts, or imposed immediately. Change this significant must be phased in, explained Gates. "[An abrupt implementation] would be hazardous to military morale, readiness and battlefield performance. It is important this change come via legislative means."
You mean some of the lead proponents of repealing DADT only care about their political agenda and not military readiness? I'm shocked! Wait, no I'm not. Me on the day DADT was repealed in the Senate.
Oh one bit of BS that will soon be shown to be just that...supporters of repealing DADT, include SecDef Gates, said it won't happen until the military says they are ready and this will ensure it's done in an orderly fashion and not in an ad hoc way if the courts ordered it.
Does anyone really think the court challenges will be withdrawn? I don't. And if a federal judge finds that there's a right for gays to serve in the military, then what's the rationale for delaying that? Rights don't get put off because it's inconvenient for the government to recognize them, one of the benefits of many rights is that they do precisely that...inconvenience the government.
I bet we see the worst case scenario that Gates and the Joint Chiefs warned of because this whole push has always been about personal edification for a few individuals and the political left, not military necessity.
What do I win?

posted by DrewM. at
09:26 AM
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