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Overnight Thread-In The Air Tonight Edition [CDR M] »
January 03, 2011
Week 17 Wrap Up: The Good, the Bad, and the Stupid
It's been an interesting season in the NFL this year, and by "interesting" I meant it sucked and good riddance. Speaking of suck, thanks to the bottomless pit of suckitude that is the NFC West, a 10-6 Giants team will stay home and shovel snow instead of advance to the playoffs.
So it wasn't all bad then, really.
Congrats to Reggie Bush's Birth Cert, who put up numbers like Client #9 on a 4-day weekend in Vegas.
Reggie Bush's Birth Cert: 144
joltin' j: 142
JefFanMike: 140
Aristomenes: 139
Quarreyman: 139
People whose mother's think they're a catch:
Ben: 129
Russ from Winterset: 127
CDR M: 121
DrewM: 121
DiT: 105 baby. I rocked it.
Many thanks to Ben and CDR M for doing the actual work this year. Couldn't have done it without you men, much appreciated. Also don't forget the playoff thingy (password "valurite").

posted by Dave In Texas at
09:12 PM
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