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December 29, 2010
CAC's Late Night Art Thread (All-Moron Art edition)
Well in the last thread I announced I will be doing a 10 part series on 10 works every moron should know. I am daytripping to LACMA with the lady to actually shoot some video for you morons- a rare shot of my fat ass explaining art. Since that is taking longer than expected, its an ALL-MORON edition this week.
As always, if you paint, sculpt, shoot, draw, assemble, or otherwise dabble in the visual arts, shoot a JPEG with Title, your AoS handle, dimensions, medium, dimensions and year HERE to see it on AoS and to have your fellow morons praise/laugh at you.
Several of the submissions I have received are actually from what I would call at least locally established artists (many of them lurkers here), which got me to thinking... of all the famous dead artists, if they were alive today, who might we find lurking or posting here?
Anyway, onto the Morons:
AoS moron Rdbrewer keeps muttering something about "long live the new flesh" with this week's video still submission:
Videome. 2006. Video still.
Another moron, Elliott, likes to tag your place of business when you are out baconing:
Face. 2010. Enamel on masonite, 20" x 24".
So the fiance was looking over my shoulder while I was reviewing the latest submissions. When she exclaimed "that is a beautiful cock!" I must say I was disappointed that she was looking at moron Lyle's work:
Rooster. 2006. Oil on Canvas.
Moron Doug needs to seriously lay off the cocaine:
Breaking Bad. 2010. Digital photo.
JasonF submits his reminder that rusting scrap is still more talented than Kei$ha:
Untitled. 2010. Scrap steel assemblage.
Here's some commercial art courtesy of Loge who insists that my fatty liver just needs better beer:
Label/Poster for Canal Jumpers Ale. 2010. Digital drawing curt. Adobe Illustrator 20" x 30".
Lasly an entry that came as a surprise. John Lee has had several showings at Bergemot Station in Santa Monica, so when he contacted me I recognized his work instantly. Here is one of his submissions:
Urban Cammo II. 2010. Acrylic on raw canvas, 60" x 72".
Rip away.
Next week- Picasso and the Whores.