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Overnight Open Thread »
December 15, 2010
Emmanuel "Someone Spit On Me When He Was Talking" Cleaver: Hey, I've Got A Great Idea-- A $48 Billion Earmark to Redistribute Money to the Urban Poor
Oh, that's precious.
Forty eight billion. Why, I remember the days we talked about 48 billion like it was real money and stuff.
“The Epicenter is a proposed estimated $48 billion (Phase One) mass scale urban reclamation project for combating, reducing, reversing and/or eliminating poverty within under served communities by utilizing mass scale economic redevelopment to bring about stability and self reliance.
I like that "(Phase One)" in parentheses. I'm searching to find out what the hell Phase Two could possibly be, but no one seems to know.
I'm thinking if 48 billion is the foot in the door, Phase Two has got to involve real money.
Thanks to Monty.