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December 02, 2010
It Could Be Worse
The economy's headed for a double dip and South and North Korea might really, really to go war.
There is some good news. You're not this guy.
Wait, wait, wait -- You're telling me this guy's a blogger? That makes no sense.

Along with DHinMI, Trapper John and Meteor Blades, Greg Dworkin, M.D., 52, is a member of the Daily Kos contributing editor class of 2004, although he’s been active on the site since pre-Scoop days. Areas of special interest include polling data, Iraq and bird flu.
Other areas of special interest include extreme taxidermy, historical reenactments of great moments in diplomatic protocol, and recreational gender confusion disorder.
None of this is fair, of course. I just needed something to post instead of fighting about Sarah Palin with jwest.
Thanks to Krazy Kat.
Unrelated But Also Unimportant: Psych scored big ratings with its Twin Peaks parody/tribute.
Not bad. If you're a fan of either show, or especially both, worth a watch on repeat (or the internet). The victim's name was Paula Merral, so the question posed was "Who killed Paula Merral?"
The mystery made almost no sense and they just announced the solution in a rush without, as far as I could tell, really having found much information along the way pointing to that conclusion. They do that a lot-- they over-write these shows (too many pages) and then when they're forced to cut, they seem to cut out the clues/detection (since, like, who cares?) instead of the comedy bits.
But like I do care about the mystery. Okay, not much, but some. Every once in a while they have a so-so mystery plot. (So-so mysteries are as good as Psych gets, but that's fine, because the comedy parts are the more important part... but let's keep it up at a so-so level, huh?)
They need to get a little more disciplined about writing the right number of pages so they don't chop out the detective part of the show in the editing room.