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Overnight Open Thread - A Return to Sanity »
November 28, 2010
No Olbermann News Here - Move Along Now [Journolist]
Well now isn’t this interesting . . . we have been informed that since returning to MSNBC, Keith Olbermann has become cogent and relevant. Well, actually that’s not what we were told but if that really happened CSPAN would probably be covering such an epic moment of MSNBC sanity. What we were really told by our East Coaster informant is that Mr. Olbermann has been hissing and spitting and is on his game.
Keith Olbermann being, “on his game” - what in the name of novus seclorum does that exactly mean? Before I answer that, let me proceed with the following question: Did I just say novus seclorum, really? Wow, that’s odd because injecting Latin for no other reason than to inject it is kinda weird. Weird it is but weird is entirely germane when discussing MSNBC and actually, required when discussing Mr. Olbermann.
OK, so as I was saying, Mr. Olbermann has been, “on his game” which means his Wankel Rotary (see animated schematic below) brain is running rich - just like old times and what his nutroot followers desire. And of course since coming back full time, after being suspended, Mr. Olbermann has lost nearly 500,000 viewers – this I would imagine (PETA’s imprimatur notwithstanding) would be what the industry refers to as a, “dead cat bounce.”
And to think, Mr. Olbermann didn’t even have to brandish his Cornell University diploma live on-air to regain his status as a histrionic clown imitating a histrionic clown. Now that’s progress!

posted by Open Blogger at
07:55 PM
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