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November 22, 2010
Gawker to be Probed [rdbrewer]
At Legal Insurrection.
Gawker was foolish to publish so much of Sarah Palin's book, and now the same people who did that ugly, one-night-stand hit piece on Christine O'Donnell get to go through the most invasive of probes:
It's called discovery. In a litigation your lawyers are entitled to e-mails, and all Gawker's internal documents regarding not only this theft, but you. Because you will want to prove that their intent was to harm you and damage you, so everything they ever have written off-the-record, everyone with whom they ever have communicated about you, every strategy they have employed to take you down, now is fair game.
And your lawyers also get to take depositions under oath of the people at Gawker, and to subpoena for testimony others who may have relevant evidence as to the issue in the case. The Palingate people would be a good start.
Gawker has given you an opening large enough to drive a truck through. Please go there, if not for yourself, then for all the conservative women who have been targeted by Gawker and the other Gawkers out there.
It couldn't happen to a nicer outfit. I do hope Sarah Palin goes through with it. More at Politico.

posted by Open Blogger at
01:28 PM
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