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November 18, 2010
As a Californian... (an art thread)
I have come to accept that I am utterly fucked living here.
I try to dance around it, try to keep a smile, but Rome is burning.
So, I have begun to fiddle.
Free image to save and remind us Californians how screwed we are, and the work in progress it is part of after that:
Feel free to keep a copy of the image below, as anyone with a functioning nervous system can see where we on the Pyrite Coast are heading within a matter of years, perhaps even months. We can look back at it and laugh; or in my case cry into my last bottle of Hangar 24.

aaaand here is where that cropped image is now, with a few more layers of paint:

CAdios. Acrylic & Deco on canvas (WIP), status as of 11/17
The rest of my Californication series will be uploaded HERE first for Open Threads, art threads, and the occasional speculative 2012map thread, assuming Ace does not tire of my wailing here in the land of Soy and Truvia.