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November 09, 2010
Left Finds New Important Cause to Rally Behind
Imagine you're a lefty.
No, wait, come back. This is only a thought exercise. There's no patchouli or granola involved. Honest.
Okay, now think about it: two years after it seemed a new era of (liberal) hope and change had swept the nation, your ideology was soundly rejected by the American people. Surely it is now time to take a breather, carefully study the election results and ask yourself what message the American people were trying to send.
Or, you could lash out at someone you hate and embark on a petty campaign against their latest venture.
Guess which path the left has chosen?
It’s one thing if Fox News gives Sarah Palin a platform. But when Discovery Communications – home to the Discovery Channel, the "Planet Earth" series, the Science Channel, Animal Planet, and TreeHugger.com – gives a show to Sarah Palin, it undercuts everything the Discovery brand has come to represent.
Anti-environmentalism has no place in the Discovery Communications lineup. Demand that the company cancel "Sarah Palin's Alaska" before it airs.
Even now, two years after the presidential election, Palin still possesses the power to drive lefties into paroxysms of spittle-flecked rage. It is something to behold. At the link is a petition. Where they want your thoughts. You know, if you've got the time or inclination.
Just saying.
Jim Geraghty previews the first episode of "Sarah Palin's Alaska" at National Review. When I first heard about the show, I was skeptical. However, this weekend, I saw a number of promos and was charmed. No matter what one thinks of her politically, it is hard to deny that Palin has an amazing amount of charisma, and the camera really does love her and her family. And as irritating as Alaska can be politically, the natural beauty of the place is remarkable.
It seems to me the show has two goals - cause viewers to take a second look at Sarah Palin and get people interested in visiting Alaska. If the show is as good as the promos they've created for it, it will easily accomplish both.

posted by Slublog at
09:25 PM
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