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November 07, 2010
Keefums Update: "Just Who Do You Think I Am?!?" "Fired."
Politico's Playbook (their daily emailed news brief on politics) says it was ego that slayed the jackass:
Network sources tell Playbook that Keith Olbermann was suspended because he refused to deliver an on-camera mea culpa, which would have allowed him to continue anchoring "Countdown." Olbermann told his bosses he didn't know he was barred from making campaign contributions, although he is resisting saying that publicly. Olbermann may not hold as many cards as he thinks. He makes $7 million a year and MSNBC's prime time is not as dependent on him as it was before the addition of Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell, who make considerably less.
Speaking of emailed morning political news briefs, I rather like Jim Geraghty's Morning Jolt best, but Politico's Playbook ain't a bad second, if you're into that kinda thing. I like 'em 'cause it's easier to read email on the metro than get the web.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
09:17 AM
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