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October 23, 2010
They Hate Our Guts
I hate em right back.
It’s worse than that. Democrats aren’t just dateless dweebs clambering upon the Statue of Liberty carrying a wilted bouquet and trying to cop a feel. Theirs is a different kind of love story. Power, not politics, is what the Democrats love. Politics is merely a way to power’s heart. When politics is the technique of seduction, good looks are unnecessary, good morals are unneeded, and good sense is a positive liability. Thus Democrats are the perfect Lotharios. And politics comes with that reliable boost for pathetic egos, a weapon: legal monopoly on force. If persuasion fails to win the day, coercion is always an option.
At the damned heart of every legislative and executive encumbrance they inflict on us is this: they are buying votes to stay in power over us. Health care. Cap and tax. Environmental bullshit. Financial regulation. Union pension bailouts.
All of it boils down to this. Control over us. Squeeze the goose until it can't lay again (see Europe, et.al.).
This is not an election on November 2. This is a restraining order. Power has been trapped, abused and exploited by Democrats. Go to the ballot box and put an end to this abusive relationship. And let’s not hear any nonsense about letting the Democrats off if they promise to get counseling.
I wouldn't believe em no matter what they say. Nov. 2, restraining order. Put it on em.
Lori Ziganto via Twitter

posted by Dave In Texas at
04:17 PM
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