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October 20, 2010
Uh-Oh: Even The Super-Liberal and Dumb Boston Globe Now Saying It's Time For Barney Frank to Go?
One of its columnists, anyway.
He reads a lot into Barney Frank's "longtime partner" acting obnoxiously towards Sean Bielat -- wondering if Frank's general lack of courtesy and accountability infects those around him -- before concluding:
When I called Frank yesterday to ask if he condones his partner goading and mocking an opponent, he told me that “Jimmy’’ is a talented amateur photographer putting together a photo essay of the campaign.
When I asked if Frank planned to apologize for Ready’s behavior, Frank said: “Jim should have broken it off and not responded. But Bielat shouldn’t have initiated the conversation. I don’t see what was inappropriate about taking his picture.’’
I’ll mark that down as a no.
A few moments later, my phone rang again. It was Frank, adding, “Jim’s new to political campaigning. He takes it more personally than someone who’s used to it.’’
After we hung up, Frank called again, saying, “You know, he calls me dude. I didn’t realize that was troubling people. He calls all sorts of people dude.’’ [The columnist was asking about calling Lieutenant Bielat "dude."]
There’s a larger point to all of this. For the last three decades, the political establishments in Boston and Washington have excused Frank’s consistently obnoxious behavior as Barney being Barney. Maybe they’ve done it because he was unique as an openly gay congressman. Maybe it was out of deference for the way he unapologetically and effectively carried the flag for the most liberal of causes. Maybe it was out of fear that he’d train his quick wit and substantial intellect against anyone who happened in his path.
But now voters are looking to D.C. and wondering what has gone wrong in a city and a system that is having such a hard time getting things right. The same character flaws that were forgiven in good times might wear thin when times are tough.
Bielat, an even-keeled Democrat-turned Republican with a Harvard degree, made Ready look foolish this week. The question looms: Will he do the same to Frank next month.
Notice that Barney Frank was super-eager to respond this guy's phone calls, too.
He really wants you to know he's nice and polite and cares about what you think.
At least until November 3rd.
Oh: Not only does Frank have his boyfriend acting as a campaign stalker (an operative who stalks the opponent, hoping to catch negative stuff), he also just donated $200,000 of his own money to his campaign.
Not good signs for ol' Barney.