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October 20, 2010
AP Poll: Signs Point to "Huge Republican Victories" In Two Weeks
Red storm rising:
In the final survey before Election Day, likely voters say the GOP would do a better job than Democrats on handling the economy, creating jobs and running the government.
Most also think the country's headed in the wrong direction. More than half disapprove of Obama's job performance. And even more don't like the Democratic-controlled Congress.
AP confirms that ABCNews/WaPo Poll on the disappearing female Democratic voter:
In another worrisome sign for Democrats, women now split pretty evenly between the two parties, 49 percent favoring Democrats, 45 percent Republicans. In 2006, Democrats took over Capitol Hill in part by winning 55 percent of the female vote to 43 percent for Republicans.
Other findings: generic congressional 50 GOP/43 Dem; Obama approval 54-45 against; and this key finding--
52 percent have a favorable impression of the GOP; 44 percent view the Democratic Party positively.
On Twitter, David Fredosso says he's pretty sure he's never seen that level of positive impression for the GOP; that sounds right to me (excepting the post-9/11 era of false unity), but I don't have the figures at hand.