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October 08, 2010
I Summon The Power of the Online Army: It's Time To Be The Wave
I wrote this earlier, but wanted to main post it. There is some important new stuff after, too:
nine coconuts writes:
The difference in a lot of these out-of-nowhere contests is the ground game.
People calling likely voters and knocking on doors getting the normally docile right leaning voters excited enough to take a stand.
That's right. That's exactly right. Dingell's got the machine working for him; there is no machine at all for Dr. Rob Steele.
So you can either sit on your asses and just read about the wave, which won't come, because you're not making it come, or you can be the wave.
And, again, contact your local GOP offices to find out how you can help. Check out "someone's" post about GOTV -- he actually did it, and wants you to know it's pretty easy, people are friendly about it (bear in mind, they will be targeting you to address likely Republican leaners), and there's a 99% chance you'll meet someone wonderful there and get ridiculously laid.
Okay, he didn't say the last part, but you have to read between the lines here, people.
It really frustrates me that so many conservatives talk a good game about taking our nation back and restoring liberty and securing a better America for our children but do not walk the walk.
Okay. So, for a while, I have really wanted to do as big a GOTV push as I could. I can't do much, but I can do some.
On Monday (fingers crossed), I will be announcing a big GOTV campaign intended to unite the Online Armies in getting together over the next few weekends to phone bank, knock on doors, all of that.
The bonus, here, is that there will be a big map where you can sign up, and maybe run into your nearby friends and maybe team up with them for carpooling and stuff. And of course, some kind of social aspect, because afterwards, the beer's on me.
Wait, no it's not. But I'll have some with you.
Anyway, so, like: The plan is to get bloggers, twitters, and commenters (and lurkers too!) to sign up to adopt a district or whatever and make this Big Red Bitch really hit hard.
I don't know what kind of numbers we can get. My hope, though, is that we get about 100 or 200 bloggers and big-time twitterers to come out, and then maybe each of us gets 10 or 15 of our more local buddies to come out for it. And other people just sign up anyway because they feel kind of guilty.
So I'm hoping we can get maybe another 2000 in ground troops for the election, coming out one weekend, maybe all weekends before the election.
That's the hope.
And I hope it comes together on Monday. Fingers crossed. I have an ally determined to pull this off bringing it together (under the banner of a major allied organization). If not Monday, soon after.
I'm tipping this early so people can start mulling it over and considering if they can come out one or more weekend days before November 2.
It's important. I've never done this before. I always thought it was stupid, frankly, and a big waste of time.
It's not. Not this year. We need to do this.
David Piffle set us a standard of success. Fine, David: We accept. And we're going to get as close to your mark as possible.
If you want to declare victory lying bloody and toothless in an alley because you still have your shoes, fine.