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September 30, 2010
Charlie Cook Moves West Virginia Senate Race to "Toss Up"
Which I don't even believe. I think it's likely Republican and he knows it, but according to the numbers he has to say Toss Up.
Meanwhile, everyone is endorsing Manchin. Assuming he will win, I guess. So Raese is fighting uphill against that.
Although Manchin remains popular – his job approval rating in a September 19 Rasmussen survey was 69 percent – he must make the transition from being the state's chief executive to being a federal candidate in a hostile climate for his party. A case in point is President Obama whose approval ratings in West Virginia are some of his lowest nationally. According to the PPP survey, Obama's job ratings were 30-percent approve to 64-percent disapprove. At the same time, Manchin is getting help from some unlikely sources. It’s not surprising that he’s been endorsed by the major labor unions, but he’s also gotten the endorsement of the Chamber of Commerce. Even more surprising is today’s endorsement from the West Virginia Coal Association, which is a very direct slap at Raese, who is in the coal business.
And the NRA, too, so if you're a West Virginia NRA member, you should give them a piece of your mind.