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September 27, 2010
Monster Food?

Genetically Modified Salmon; Artist's Conception (SluShop™)
Aquaculture is already a pretty efficient use of land and feed for producing protein. And now through genetic engineering, scientists have developed a farm-raised salmon that grows twice as fast as regular salmon.
There is little risk of the GM salmon escaping to the wild, because they are designed to be grown in fish-farm tanks on land rather than in pens out at sea. Even if they do escape, the fish will not interbreed with wild salmon because the GM eggs have been designed to develop into sterile females, said Ron Stotish, AquaBounty's chief executive.
But there is already fierce opposition to the principle of GM salmon from consumer groups, animal welfare organisations and environmentalists. A coalition of 31 such groups in the US has stated their implacable opposition to a product they believe is potentially dangerous to human health and the environment, as well as cruel and painful for the GM fish, which they say are created to grow unnaturally fast.
Hmmm. Darling Morons, please try this nifty mental experiment.
Imagine you have a scale. One of these.
Now: put 'Fish Growing Pains' on one side of the balance. And then 'Feeding All Of Humanity' on the other.
If your mental scale looks like mine, 'Fish Growing Pains' has been launched into effin' orbit.
Environmentalists can't have it all ways. We can't stop catching so much wild fish AND stop food innovation AND still produce enough high quality protein to serve everyone. Not that I really believe environmentalists care so much about human famine.
I'm a fan of genetically modified food. This is the wave of the future. Old fashioned selective breeding takes too long.
Going forward, GM is the way we are going to feed billions of people, develop medicines and new treatments, grow more beautiful flower gardens, and someday clothe ourselves in durable fabrics derived from spider silk secreted by giant chinchillas the size of cattle.
Monsters. Fffft. It is to laugh. HAH! Piffle.

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posted by Laura. at
01:43 PM
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