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September 25, 2010
Democrats And The Inability To Persuade You With Reason
Pulled from the sidebar, John F'n Kerry, who served in Vietnam in case you hadn't heard that, suggests the problem with the Democrat message this mid term is that the voters are disconnected, not paying attention.
Stupid rubes.
Here's a counter argument, Senator Scary-Smart. Let's stipulate the message is full of awesomeness.
Perhaps you're just too stupid to sell it?
If it's so wonderful, so goddamn great, if Obamacare is the greatest thing ever if only you would pass it so we could see what's in it, why is it so friggin difficult for you to convince us how wonderful it is? I mean, come on. You and your cohorts aren't even trying. Suddenly the "third rail" of American politics is this crappy power grab dressed up as healthcare.
Why won't your candidates even talk about it? This is vexing Bill Maher, he thinks your strategy is so wrong. (I think I got this from a Breitbart twitter post, but I can't recall, so sorry for sloppy attribution).
Why won't they stump on this amazing accomplishment?
Oh, because we're stupid? We can't understand how employers are hesitant to make long term commitments (and therefore not hiring.. hey, remember jobs? Big deal, jobs. Very important, yo), or that our plans just went up 30% or more, the most we've ever seen in decades? We don't get that?
Ok, got it.
Also DIAF.
pjm link via Bobby on twitter.
Palate cleanser. Lt. Col. (USArmy, ret) Allen West is not afraid of Alcee Hastings or John Lewis.
"Welcome to the jungle."
Oh man, I want this good man to kick Ron Klein's ass in Nov.

posted by Dave In Texas at
08:13 PM
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